Change your colour scheme

Advent of Code 2023: Day Seven


Back to Advent of Code! This post contains spoilers. You can see the rest of the Advent of Code posts, or checkout the Git repository.

Part One

You’re playing a game of cards! Each game looks like a set of hands, with an associated bet:

32T3K 765
T55J5 684
KK677 28

Each game of cards is scored based on the value of the hand, e.g. “Five of a kind” is the highest-scoring card. In the event that two hands have the same score, the individual cards are compared until a higher-scoring card is found.

The task is to order the hands by their scores, and then multiply the “bets” by their individual ranks. For example, if I have the highest-scoring card, I’d have the top rank (rank 5 in this case), and I’d multiply my bet by that amount. What’s the total bets received, calculated by multiplying each bet by it’s rank?

So to begin with, I get my trusty parsing library out and write the world’s most pointless parser:

const cardParser = anyChar().pipe(manyTill(space()), stringify());
const bidParser = int().pipe(between(whitespace()));
const parser = cardParser.pipe(then(bidParser), manySepBy(whitespace()));

const rows: [string, number][] = parser.parse(input).value;

Then I map each parsed value to a CamelCard, which also calculates the score ahead of time:

export class CamelCard {
private hand: Record<string, number>;
public readonly score: number;

constructor(protected readonly card: string) {
this.hand = this.card.split('').reduce((cards, char) => {
if (!cards[char]) {
cards[char] = 0;

cards[char] += 1;
return cards;
}, {} as Record<string, number>)

this.score = this.calculateScore();

private calculateScore(): number {
const cards = Object.values(this.hand).sort((a, b) => b-a);

if (isEqual(cards, [1, 1, 1, 1, 1])) return 1;
if (isEqual(cards, [2, 1, 1, 1])) return 2;
if (isEqual(cards, [2, 2, 1])) return 3;
if (isEqual(cards, [3, 1, 1])) return 4;
if (isEqual(cards, [3, 2])) return 5;
if (isEqual(cards, [4, 1])) return 6;
if (isEqual(cards, [5])) return 7;

return 0;

Basically, I bucket each found "card’ into a record, and count the number of times it occurs. Then to get the score, I just order the values by descending count, and compare the array to what I would expect for each score.

Then to compare them, I check the scores. If they’re different, I just return the difference. If they’re equal, I iterate over the hand and look up the index of the score in an ordered array of the cards, and just compare the indexes:

const CardLetterScores = [ '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'T', 'J', 'Q', 'K', 'A'];

public compare(other: CamelCard): number {
const diff = this.score - other.score;
if (diff !== 0) return diff;

for (const [a, b] of zip(this.card.split(''), other.card.split('')) as [string, string][]) {
if (a !== b) {
return CardLetterScores.indexOf(a) - CardLetterScores.indexOf(b)

return 0;

This lets me then sort my hands, and compute the winnings:

	get winnings(): number {
this.cards.sort(([a], [b]) => a.compare(b));

return this.cards.reduce((total, [_, value], index) => total + (value * (index + 1)), 0);

Part one done!

Part Two

Okay now the J cards are jokers, which are now the lowest-valued cards in the hand when it comes to a direct comparison. But, they can also be redistributed within the hand to become “any” card, so that you can have a stronger hand. Basically they’re a valueless wildcard.

So to do this, I just move the letter J to the start of my CardLetterScores array, which handles the value case. Then to redistribute them, I pull them out of the hand, find the next card with the highest number of instances, and give them all the J’s. I do this using reduce, and initialise it with the J key and a 0-value to handle the instance that there are only J’s in the hand. That way we don’t accidentally double-up the J’s if that’s all there is:

const CardLetterScores = ['J', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'T', 'Q', 'K', 'A'];

private redistributeJ(): void {
if ('J' in this.hand) {
const js = this.hand.J;
const withoutJ = omit(this.hand, 'J') as Record<string, number>;

const [mostCommon, mostCommonValue] = Object.entries(withoutJ).reduce(([maxKey, maxValue], [key, value]) => {
if (value > maxValue) return [key, value];
return [maxKey, maxValue];
}, ['J', 0]);

withoutJ[mostCommon] = mostCommonValue + js;
this.hand = withoutJ;

private calculateScore(): number {

const cards = Object.values(this.hand).sort((a, b) => b-a);

if (isEqual(cards, [1, 1, 1, 1, 1])) return 1;
if (isEqual(cards, [2, 1, 1, 1])) return 2;
if (isEqual(cards, [2, 2, 1])) return 3;
if (isEqual(cards, [3, 1, 1])) return 4;
if (isEqual(cards, [3, 2])) return 5;
if (isEqual(cards, [4, 1])) return 6;
if (isEqual(cards, [5])) return 7;

return 0;

And that was Part Two done. Wasn’t too difficult, really. My calculateScore function is a bit so-so, but it’s fine, and it runs fast enough anyway.


About the author

My face

I'm Lewis Dale, a software engineer and web developer based in the UK. I write about writing software, silly projects, and cycling. A lot of cycling. Too much, maybe.
